Enrollment Cancellation Due to Non-Payment - Summer 2025 [All Sessions]
Sunday, May 11, 2025 – Monday, May 12, 2025 All day
- LocationCalendar Use Only
- DescriptionEvent Locator: 2023-AARFCF
Organization: 63400 - Registrar's
Event Name: Enrolmt Cancelled Due Non-Paymt Su '25[10-Week, 1st 5-Week only, 2nd 5-Week N/A]
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- Mar 1312:00 PMSIAM general meetingsEvent Name: SIAM general meetings Event Locator: 2025-ABCRVP Organization: Society for Industrial & Applied Math SIAM wishes to reserve Room 3-1616 for recurring meetings scheduled every Tuesday and Thursday. These gatherings serve the purpose of conducting bi-weekly e-board meetings, hosting general sessions for SIAM members where e-board members will share pertinent updates, and planning for future guest speakers.
- Mar 1312:00 PMSIAM general meetingsEvent Name: SIAM general meetings Event Locator: 2025-ABCRVP Organization: Society for Industrial & Applied Math SIAM wishes to reserve Room 3-1616 for recurring meetings scheduled every Tuesday and Thursday. These gatherings serve the purpose of conducting bi-weekly e-board meetings, hosting general sessions for SIAM members where e-board members will share pertinent updates, and planning for future guest speakers.
- Mar 131:00 PMEngineering Leadership Program WorkshopsEvent Name: ELP Workshops Event Locator: 2025-ABDTKF Organization: 44601A - Engineering Leadership Program This is a series of professional development workshops aimed at majors in a technical field but open to everyone on campus. This workshop series is aimed at those looking for more opportunities to grow your self-awareness, interpersonal dynamics, project, and ethics skills.
- Mar 133:00 PMMindful BroncosEvent Name: Mindful Broncos Event Locator: 2024-ABBSLN Organization: ASI Campus Recreation
- Mar 134:00 PMIntramural Sports Regular SeasonEvent Name: Intramural Sports Regular Season Event Locator: 2024-ABBNLK Organization: ASI Campus Recreation Intramural Sports Leagues are BACK! Are you ready to unleash your inner athlete? Create or join a team and form memories and friendships that will last a lifetime. No experience in the sport is necessary! Leagues offered for each sport include all-rec, competitive, recreational, women, and more. Online registration has a minimum age requirement of 18. If under 18, please email bricmemberships@cpp.edu for assistance.
- Mar 134:00 PMIntramural Sports Regular SeasonEvent Name: Intramural Sports Regular Season Event Locator: 2024-ABBNLK Organization: ASI Campus Recreation Intramural Sports Leagues are BACK! Are you ready to unleash your inner athlete? Create or join a team and form memories and friendships that will last a lifetime. No experience in the sport is necessary! Leagues offered for each sport include all-rec, competitive, recreational, women, and more. Online registration has a minimum age requirement of 18. If under 18, please email bricmemberships@cpp.edu for assistance.